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NGO Job Vacancy – VSO Nepal

VSO Nepal

VSO is the world’s leading international development charity that works through volunteers to create a fair world for everyone. At VSO we pride ourselves on doing development differently. We fight poverty not by sending aid, but by working through volunteers and partners to create long-lasting change in some of the world’s poorest regions. We bring key stakeholders together to co-ordinate collective action, from local organisations to national governments. Our programmes in Africa and Asia focus on health, education and livelihoods, with an increasing emphasis on resilience, peace building, social accountability, gender and social inclusion. We’re not about delivering quick fixes, but instead we focus on long-lasting, sustainable change that will improve the lives of generations to come.


Terms of Reference- Media Fellowship

Active Citizenship through Inclusive Volunteering and Empowerment


Media Fellowship for Stories of Change Documentation and Dissemination

1. Background

VSO is the world’s leading independent, international development organization that works through blend of community, national and international volunteers. VSO is working in Nepal since 1964 to improve the lives of impoverished people, particularly focusing on marginalized groups, vulnerable women and girls. We believe that people are the key to overcoming poverty, and that is why we work through Volunteering for Development Approach that people are empowered, public services are inclusive and accessible and decisions makers are held to account.

VSO is implementing the ACTIVE (Active Citizens through Inclusive Volunteering and Empowerment) project which is funded by FCDO. The project aims to contribute to developing more inclusive, open, resilient, and gender equitable societies by making positive contribution in resilient livelihoods (promotion of agro-ecology and Right to Food Advocacy and its localization), health (equitable and accessible health systems strengthening), inclusive education (and youth (engagement and leadership). This multiyear project works with both CSO and Government level platforms and mechanisms.

The ACTIVE project is in its second year of implementation started from 2022. In the second year of its implementation, there is a plan to collaborate with potential media house to specifically capture the changes stories of primary actors, and also at intermediary actors level and make a proper dissemination of such stories from media platforms. This ToR is prepared to provide specific and detailed information on how VSO would like to do such a partnership with media for stories of change documentation and dissemination. The below sections provide the needful details.

2. Project Information

2.1 Overall goal of ACTIVE

Goal of the ACTIVE programme is to promote “More inclusive, open, resilient, and gender equitable societies”.

2.2 Outcomes

  • Outcome 1: Improved active citizenship by the marginalized and vulnerable local people as well as local volunteers
  • Outcome 2: Improved access and delivery of quality services in health, education and livelihoods for marginalized and vulnerable local people.
  • Outcome 3: Increased uptake and application of Global Standard for Volunteering by relevant stakeholders, locally and globally, for citizen-led development programmes.
  • Outcome 4: Improved evidence of and understanding on the effectiveness of the volunteering for development approach in citizens’ empowerment and system’s accountability.

2.3 Geographical Locations


2.4 Project Partners

Name of Partner Roles Remarks
VSO Lead of the ACTIVE Project
British Council Lead of GEMS project together with VSO in partnership with ASN
AASMAN Nepal Health Component Lead
National Farmers Group Federation (NFGF Nepal) Resilient Livelihood Component Lead
Youth Advocacy Nepal (YAN) Youth Engagement and Leadership Component Lead
Jana Jagaran Youth Club (JJYC) Inclusive Education implementation lead Bara and Rautahat
National Campaign for Education Nepal (NCEN) National level advocacy partners for Inclusive Education Practice Area

2.5 Complementary project GEMS

GEMS (Girls Empowerment and Mainstreaming Sustainably) is a powerful initiative with consortium of VSO, British council, supported by Aasaman Nepal dedicated to fostering an inclusive society and promoting equitable development in Nepal. By focusing on strengthening girls’ education, health, and the empowerment of women and girls, GEMS aims to uplift marginalized communities and provide support where it is most needed. The project’s implementation spans across various regions, including Kalaiya sub-metropolitan city, Jeetpur-Simara Municipality in Bara, Gaur Municipality, Gadhimai Municipality in Rautahat districts of Madhesh Province, as well as Lekhbesi Municipality, Bheriganga, and Gurbakot Municipality in Surkhet, Karnali Province. Through its comprehensive approach, GEMS is making a significant impact in empowering women and girls and driving sustainable change.

3. Objective of this assignment:

The overall objective of this assignment is to achieve some of the milestones in Project’s learning and documentation.

Specifically, the objectives are;

  • Develop ACTIVE project’s achievement and learning related stories in various forms.
  • Dissemination and sharing of stories in various media platforms.
  • Provide space (Media space-online or print) for stories/op-eds written by VSO staff and volunteers.

4. Scope of Work/Deliverables

There are three assignments (Assignment A, B and C) under the scope of work. Assignment A  as mentioned in below section is to develop and disseminate learning documents in Nepali and Assignment B is for developing and disseminating learning documents in English. While applying, applicant/s need to clearly mention the capacity and experience of learning documentation in Nepali and English and in which platform the stories will be published.

Assignment C  as detailed out in below section is that VSO-ACTIVE staffs and volunteers will develop op-eds/stories in Nepali/English and the selected media house needs to give space for publication.

Assignment A -Nepali Stories Assignment B-English Stories
Sub assignment 1: Document at least 3 stories 1500-2000 words) in given 3 areas below which should be based on project interventions and outcomes.

Sub Assignment 2: Publish at least 2 stories in media platform.

Sub-Assignment 3: 1 Video story (2-3 minutes)-Anyone out of 4 stories. (English Subtitles)

Sub-Assignment 1: document at least 3 stories (1500-2000 words) in given 3 areas below which should be based on project interventions and outcomes.

Sub-Assignment 2: Publish all three stories in Media

Sub-Assignment 3: Among three stories, at least one video story (2-3 minutes). (Nepali Sub-titles)

Areas-Assignment A Areas-Assignment B
1. VSOs approach of Blended Volunteering and Volunteering for Development approach (youth health champions, mentoring support, RUPANTARAN etc.)

2. Girls Empowerment and leadership through GEMS Club. (Story and video).

3. Policy Localization (RtF) and Farmers Identity Card.

1. Government Engagement-Localization of NHS-SP

2. National Youth Policy, National Volunteer Policy and LNOB initiatives. (Including video)

3. GIEN Promotion and advocacy.

Assignment C-Stories prepared by VSO staffs/Volunteers
At least 5 stories

Stories will be around 1200-1500 Words with a photo.

Media consultant/s need to review it and publish these stories/articles.

VSOs media and communications team will involve, and consent will also be in place for publication.

Most of the contents required for these stories will be collected from the project locations as mentioned in section 2.3 above.

4.1 Nature and specification of stories (both areas)

Content Specification Remarks
Stories (both Nepali and English)

Assignment A and Assignment B

  • Textual form with facts and figures, box stories, direct quotes of respondents.
  • 1500-2000 Words.
  • At least 2 good quality pictures for each story (JPEG, above 5 MB).
  • 2-3 minutes video story (story board and its prior approval).
  • Consent properly taken in provided formats.
  • Before publishing, prior consent of VSO for the content and acknowledgement needs to be included as per VSO and donor regulations.
  • In video stories, Branding and visibility of VSO and donor needs to be included. VSO will guide for it.

5. VSO’s Responsibilities

VSO will provide following to the selected consultant:

  • Formal Contract sign off.
  • Consultancy fee as per the agreement.
  • Project orientation and briefing of requirements.
  • Provide/link contact point in the field.
  • Provided first level of review of op-eds and stories written by VSO volunteers/Staffs.

6. Required Qualifications and Experience of Consultant

  • Minimum 3 years’ experience in developing stories as part of learning documentation and video production.
  • Must have proven track record in all required areas of expertise including script writing, planning, cinematography, editing and mixing for videos, and publication of stories in media platforms.
  • Well-equipped with updated software and hardware to ensure smooth and high-quality documentation and video production.
  • Additional experience in development communication will be an added advantage.
  • Applicants having their own media platform (Recognized media house) will be an added value. Need to clearly mention which media platform the applicant will be using for learning stories dissemination under all three assignments.

7. Equipment for the Assignment

All the equipment needed for this assignment will be the responsibilities of applicants, no equipment to be purchased under this assignment.

8. Duration of Assignment and Reporting

  • The total period of this assignment is 5 months. The exact starting time depends on the bilateral contract’s accomplishment. All the stories under three assignments need to be produced and disseminated within this period of time.

9. Travel requirements and Travel arrangement

  • Consultants Travel, and other associated logistics arrangement will be the responsibility of applicants. Costs needed for such an arrangement can be included in the proposal.
  • Travel to all working Palikas in Madhesh and Karnali province is a need to collect most of the stories. This will be further specified during the implementation and detailed mapping of the locations will be provided.

10. Budget Plan

Guideline for budget preparation: The budget proposal should clearly mention the following budget details.

  1. Unit rate for Nepali Stories preparation (3 stories)
  2. Unit rate for Video story-Nepali preparation (1 story)
  3. Unit Rate of Story Dissemination-Nepali Story (3 stories)
  4. Unit Rate of English Story–(3 stories)
  5. Unit rate of Video story-English (1)
  6. Unit rate of story dissemination -English (3)
  7. Editorial support for VSO staff/volunteers prepared stories (Per story) and publication
  8. Travel/Transportation and other logistics cost

11. Intellectual Property

The contract will be work for hire. Therefore, all raw and final products produced under the assignment are the property of VSO.

12. Application Procedure

Consultants (individuals/firms) are required to submit the following:

  • Letter of interest
  • Technical proposal which includes objectives and method with detailed timeline. Clearly mention about the assignment area.
  • CVs of professional personnel proposed for the assignments.
  • Financial proposal with detailed breakdown of expenses.
  • Copy of company registration Certificate.
  • Copy of PAN/VAT registration certificate.
  • Copy of Latest Tax Clearance Certificate of FY78/79 (for both individual and firm).
  • 2-3 samples of previous work (individual or firm) in line with the technical and creative requirements of this assignment. (Attachment needed).

Proposals must be submitted via email at: by COB, 12th August 2023.

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