VSO Nepal Job Vacancy

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is one of the longest-serving INGOs in Nepal. It has been working in Nepal since 1964. With the belief that people are the best agents of sustainable change, VSO works through its Volunteering for Development Approach with volunteers (Local, National, and International) as central actors in its three priority areas of programming: 1. Resilient Livelihoods 2. Inclusive Education and 3. Global Health. Gender and Social Inclusion, Social Accountability, and Resilience are its cross-cutting priorities. So far, VSO has reached 72 out of 77 districts of Nepal. Currently, it is working in 20 districts and has it’s presence in all 7 provinces.

VSO would like to invite you to bid for Empowerment and Capacity Building Consultant. Therefore, VSO Nepal formally requests you to send us a technical and price proposal for “Empowerment and Capacity Building Consultant” referring to the following details via email by Monday, 25 December 2023.

Detail Terms of Reference (TOR) can be obtained from the following link:

Terms of Reference (TOR)

Instructions to Bidders

Both firms/Individuals can apply who meet following criteria.

In order to be considered, bids must:

  • be on your organization’s letterhead. Or Cover Letter for Individual applicants with sign off.
  • contain both a Technical and Price Proposal
  • VAT/PAN registration certificate
  • Company Registration Certificate (individuals not required), and
  • Recent Tax Clearance Certificate /or Tax Clearance Certificate FY 2078/79 and tax extension letter of FY 2079/80 along with the proposals (individuals not required),
  • Similar work experience documents.
VSO contact details:

(for queries and submission of bid):

Insert VSO contact’s name: Procurement Unit

Insert email address: Procurement.nepal@vsoint.org

Insert phone number: +977 (1) 5441469

Bid deadline:25 December 2023
Anticipated Consultancy start date:2 Jan 2024

Bidders may be invited to give a presentation or attend a clarification interview.

VSO shall not be bound to accept any bid and will not be responsible for any loss or expense incurred by firms in the submission of their bids. VSO reserves the right to accept all or part of an offer.

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