Neolinx Pvt Ltd 661 views

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Neolinx Pvt Ltd

We are a tech agency based in Kathmandu, Nepal with offices in Sydney-Australia, Munich- Germany, offering a range of software, web and mobile apps development services to local and international clients.If listed below are the qualities that you possess then we would like to hear from you.You want to excel yourself as a web designer or web developer.You are Honest , Creative, Hard Working, Loyal, Long-term career commitment, proactive,takes initiatives and more.You are interested and excited to build webbased information system, webbased applications, mobile apps and much more.You are excited about building an organization and not just a job.You like to play a pivotal part in a growing company where you are provided with new opportunities frequently.You uphold definite values and therefore identify with an organization's core values'that are non-negotiable in all circumstances.You believe that creating and converting opportunities are always more important than plain conformance to a norm.There is a good chance we might strike a winning team.For more information on our company you can visit

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Special Instructions for applicants

Send email to [email protected] with portfolio and also links to live or demo websites/applications you have created.List what you used to build each application.Also include the following information: * Your background * List of competencies (only things you feel you are an "expert" at please)Answer the following questions:* How do you show that you are passionate about web application development? * Regarding your career, where do you want to be in 2 years? * Why do you want to be a part of Neolinx Pvt Ltd. * Why should you be chosen instead of the other applicants?The applicants must be familiar with project management system and issues tracking system.
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