Categories: Jobs

Job Vacancy in Plan International


Request for sealed Proposal

Ref No: ERO 04- 23/24

19  December, 2023

Baseline Survey of Girls Standing Strong (GSS) under CCEP in Dhanusha and Sindhuli

Plan International Nepal is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Plan International has been working in Nepal since 1978 to help most marginalized children, their families and communities for accessing their rights to survival, development, protection and participation. Plan International Nepal has been implementing programmes through development partners, in coordination with government and other stakeholders in 11 districts.

Plan International Nepal, East Regional  Office, Janakpur  invites sealed proposal from the interested Firm registered in Government of Nepal for the mentioned above consultancy services:

The detailed tender documents can be downloaded from —

Financial Proposal Template

Baseline Survey of Girls Standing Strong (GSS) under CCEP in Dhanusha and Sindhuli

Sealing and marking of proposals:
The Offeror shall seal the Proposal in one outer and two inner envelopes, as detailed below.

(a)   The outer envelope shall be:  Plan International Nepal, East Regional Office, Janakpur, Nepal
and, marked as:  “Baseline Survey of Girls Standing Strong (GSS) under CCEP in Dhanusha and Sindhuli district”.

(b)   The 2 inner envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the Offeror and should be clearly marked with “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal”. In summary, there will be one separate sealed envelope for the Technical Proposal and one separate sealed envelope for the Financial Proposal.

Note: If an offeror submits the financial proposal (budget) within or in the same envelope as the technical proposal, it will be automatically disqualified.

Deadline for Submission

The RFP along with supporting documents in a sealed envelope should be reached and received before 5:00 PM, 25 December  2023 to the address as mentioned below.

Plan International Nepal,

East Regional Office -Janakpur

Ward no.4, Bisahara chowk, Dhanusha

Madhesh Province, Nepal

Phone: 041-590050

Say Yes! To Keeping Children and Programme Participants Safe and Protected

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