NGO Jobs – Malika Development Organization-Nepal (MDO-Nepal) Job Vacancy 1324 views1 applications

Malika Development Organization-Nepal (MDO-Nepal) is a non-governmental social organization working in Achham district. It was established and registered in Achham district in 2050 BS (1994 AD). It is affiliated with Social Welfare Council and other concerned institutions. It has been working among marginalized communities, Dalits, women and children. MDO-Nepal has been working in sectors such as Education, WASH, Agriculture, Governance, and capacity-building of Community Organizations (COs) in Achham District. It has always worked in collaboration with Local Governments and other stakeholders. At present MDO Nepal is an implementing partner of CECI Nepal and DCA Nepal, in Achham


With funds from DCA/DANIDA MDO Nepal is implementing project focusing on resilient livelihood, value chain and climate change adaptation. The project is a continuation of 3 year project in two Palikas. Project focuses on technology, production, value chain, and marketing. It works to strengthen Cooperatives, Groups, and Collection Centers. The project is implemented in collaboration with the Palikas. Interested Nepalese Citizens are invited to submit job application for the following post.

Position: Resilient Livelihood Project Coordinator (RLPC)

Base: Mangalsen, Achham District

Duration of Employment: until 31 December 2021


  • to do planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of all resilient livelihoods projects/activities,
  • to ensure that all livelihoods activities are ecologically sound, adapt to climate change, and have value chain focus,
  • to assist in writing proposals to be prepared by MDO Nepal,
  • to seek effective coordination, collaboration and partnership with relevant stakeholders including local governments, other government departments, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), I/NGOs, and others as appropriate,
  • is responsible for mobilizing and managing staff assigned to him/her,

Required Qualification and Skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/Forestry/Environment or Master’s degree in RD, Economics, Marketing or other discipline relating to Livelihoods and resilience.
  • A minimum of two (2) years of experience as project coordinator.
  • Must have working experience in Resilient Livelihood, Value Chain, Agro Marketing and Climate Change Adaptation.
  • Strong skills in proposal writing, strategic planning, budgeting, reporting, monitoring & evaluation.
  • Ability to work with local authorities (LGs), rural communities and local political leadership.
  • Strong skills in networking, representation and building relations with diverse stakeholders.
  • Excellent oral and written English and Nepali skills.
  • Must have motorbike driving skill and hold a license.
  • Strong skills in computer programs like MS word, MS excel, and power point.

Application Contents:

  • An application explaining why you are interested in this position and contact of referees,
  • Attach a note, not more than 500 words in English on Resilient Livelihood, Value Chain and Climate Change Adaptation.  Explain your work experience on these subjects,
  • Copy of citizenship certificate,
  • Any reports, stories, documents that you have written.
  • Expected salary

Address for hand delivery and post:

Malika Development Organization Nepal (MDO Nepal)

Sahakari Tole, Mangalsen Municipality Ward 5, Achham District


Please send your Application Contents to by 15 June 2020, 05:00 pm Nepali time.

Female and disadvantage groups candidates are encouraged to apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for the further selection process.

Note: MDO Nepal reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without any reason

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