10+2 Jobs – Cooperative Job Vacancy – Freshers can apply 3112 views399 applications


Position: Junior Market Assistant

Number of Vacancies: 10
Qualification: 10+2 (Intermediate)

Position: Account Assistant

Number of Vacancies: 1
Qualification: 10+2 (Intermediate)

Position: Loan Assistant

Number of Vacancies: 1
Qualification: 10+2 (Intermediate)

Position: Senior Loan Assistant

Number of Vacancies: 1
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree

Application deadline: 2078/05/16

Send application to [email protected] or to the following address:

Ideology Saving and credit cooperative Limited

Head Office: MahaLaxmi Complex, Khichapokhari, New Road, Kathmandu
Phone No.: 4264664, 4225573, 4253663
Service Center: Maitidevi, Kathmandu
Phone No.: 01-4516401, 4517729

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