Banking Career in Chhimek Laghubitta Bikas Bank Limited 1719 views2 applications


Company: Chhimek Laghubitta Bikas Bank

Chhimek Laghubitta Bikas Bank Ltd. (CLBBL) registered as a Company in December 2001, received its banking license in January 2002, from Nepal Rastra Bank (The Central Bank) under the Development Bank Act 1995. It was established by the Neighbourhood Society Service Centre (NSSC), which carried out earlier its own microfinance activities in Mahottari and Chitwan districts of Nepal. When the new Financial Intermediary Act came into effect, NGO’s were restrained from mobilizing client savings, and , additionally more recognized legal entity for providing micro-finance services to the members was required. Thus, as an initiative of NSSC and with the help from various commercial banks and promoters, CBB was established.

See the Job Description Below:


How to Apply:

Interested candidates are requested to apply as instructed in Job Description. Form can be downloaded from the official website of Bank Website.

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