Banking Career in National Cooperative Bank Limited 3544 views8 applications


Company: National Co-operative Bank Limited


Junior Officer: 14 Nos.

Junior Assistant: 60 Nos.

• For applying in the post of Junior Officer, the age of applicants should be 21 years completed but not exceeding 35 years on the last date of application submission i.e. 2075-02-15.

• The age bar for applicants for the position of Junior Assistant should be 18 years completed but not exceeding 35 years. In terms of female candidates, the age bar for both positions is not exceeding 40 years.

• For staffs of Cooperative Bank, the male applicants should not exceed their age bar by 35 years while joining the bank and 40 years age for female candidates

• Candidate selection method:

 For Junior Officer: Written examination, presentation, Group Discussion and interview.

For Junior Assistant: Written Examination and Interview.

• Provision period:

1 year for male candidate and 6 months for female candidate.

Education Qualification

• Junior Officer:

Master’s degree in management or economics(Arts) or bachelors degree with minimum 3 years of experience in co-operative bank or bank & financial institution.

• Junior Assistant:

Minimum intermediate or SLC pass with 3 years of experience in co-operative bank or bank & financial institution.

Last date to apply: 30 May 2018


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This job announcement was published in Kantipur Dainik on 15 May 2018

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