Consultancy Opportunities – FHI 360 Nepal – INGO Jobs 426 views1 applications

FHI 360 Nepal

Consultancy Opportunities 

FHI 360, an international NGO working in the field of HIV, family planning, nutrition, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance and civil society capacity strengthening in Nepal, is seeking short- and long-term consultants for LINKAGES Nepal project funded by The United States of Agency for International Development (USAID) and The US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) for HIV prevention, care and treatment services among key populations and people living with HIV.

Interested and qualified individuals with Master’s degree, and expertise and experience in relevant area are requested to apply to work as consultant for short- and long-term in the following potential areas as and when required:

Areas for consultancyBrief Scope of Work (SoW)
Illustrator/creative content/infographic, data visualization design
  • Develop creative and relevant illustrations for different publications including newsletters, manuals, reports, presentations information, education and communication materials and social media.
  • Design and develop behavior change communication (BCC)/information, education and communication (IEC) materials
  • Support for data visualization and infographic
Digital content development for social media platforms
  • Develop visually and verbally compelling contents for social media platforms contents in social media compatible formats.


Promote risk assessment and appointment booking tool-MeroSathi via social media.
  • Promote contents through boosting in Factbook, Instagram and other social media platform and dating applications.
  • Engage virtually active populations in social media platforms, and dating applications


Creative Writing, Editing and Translation
  • Translate training manuals, project documents, reports, success stories in Nepali and/or English.
  • Review and edit project documents, reports, success stores in Nepali and English.
  • Collect and prepare success stories
Training design, development and facilitation


  • Develop or review and update training curriculum, manual and materials including presentation slides
  • Prepare training schedule, manage and facilitate sessions, prepare training reports
    • HIV and STI case management,
    • Clinical management of HIV
    • Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
    • HIV counseling and testing,
    • Community-led/based HIV testing
    • HIV self-testing
    • Logistics management
    • HIV laboratory diagnosis
    • HIV recency testing
    • Training of Trainers (TOT):
    • HIV self-testing
    • HIV counseling
    • HIV logistics management


Antiretroviral therapy (ART) Physician/Consultant: PrEP roll-out and clinical support to ART sites (Within and outside Kathmandu valley)
  • Verify eligibility criteria and initiate PrEP
  • Conduct follow up and identify adverse events
  • Support LINKAGES Nepal clinical staff for follow up client taking PrEP
  • Conduct clinical mentoring of ART centers, organize technical update sessions in ART centers
Surveillance, research, mapping and size estimation
  • Provide technical and management support in integrated bio-behavioral survey (IBBS) surveillance
  • Provide technical and management support for conducting hot spot mapping and size estimation of key populations
District Health Information System (DHIS) 2
  • Customize DHIS2 tracker capture and aggregate report
Technical and Organizational Capacity assessment of NGOs
  • Conduct technical and organizational assessment of 20 NGOs using standard tool and prepare recommendations for capacity building needs
Laboratory system and service system
  • Provide technical and management support for HIV laboratory system and services strengthening including HIV testing, and viral load testing
Procurement and supply chain system
  • Provide technical and management support for procurement and supply chain management of HIV-related commodities, test kits, reagents
Develop/revise national guidelines, standard operating procedures
  • Review, revise and update project specific and national guidelines on sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV testing and treatment, community-based ART, recency testing, HIV self-testing, PrEP
National consultation meeting with national networks of key populations &people living with HIV
  • Review the provincial level reports and advocacy agendas, coordinate with four national networks, plan for national level consultation meetings, coordinate with stakeholders, facilitate the meeting and finalize the report

Interested individuals are requested to send a cover letter clearly indicating expertise area, areas of consultancy applying for, updated CV with two references by November 30, 2019 to

  • This job is expired!
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