Ipass Nepal – NGO Jobs Advocacy Consultant 1329 views0 applications

Ipas Nepal is a non-profit international development organization that works to increase women’s ability to exercise their Sexual and Reproductive Health, especially the Right to Safe Abortion and Contraception. We seek to eliminate Unsafe Abortion and the resulting deaths and injuries and to expand women’s access to Comprehensive Abortion Care, including contraception and related reproductive health information and care.

Family Planning (FP) is one of the priorities programmes of the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) with an aim to foster equitable access and utilization of quality FP services throughout the country. Over the years, Nepal has achieved a remarkable improvement in the reproductive health including FP services. However, despite this improvement, Contraceptive Prevalent Rate (CPR) in the country has been stagnant for decades. In addition, contraceptive knowledge and use is low while and Age specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) and unmet need for family planning is high among adolescent and youths because of various structural and socio-cultural barriers.

Research suggests that youths are most effectively reached with messaging on sensitive issues like family planning among others when it comes from their peers. To capitalize on that approach, Ipas Nepal intends to orient and mobilize students in grades 11 to 12 who are studying in rural areas and provide them with the knowledge and skills to be “Change Agents” and disseminate FP messages in their community. Accordingly, Ipas Nepal invites applications from interested Nepalese candidates for the below mentioned position for its UK’s Department for International Development (DfID) funded Nepal Family Planning Project (NFPP) on “Addressing Unmet Need for Family Planning among Excluded and Vulnerable Women” implemented in partnership with Marie Stopes International (MSI)/Sunaulo Pariwar Nepal for identifying and orienting youths in two of its the project districts namely Kavre and Dailekh. The youth activity will be conducted in 2 project districts: Dailekh and Kavre. Youth related orientation and mobilization will take place in Dailekh and Kavre in the 5 clusters (in each district) comprising 20 youths in each cluster.

Position: Advocacy Consultant

Number of Vacancies: 5

Job Location: Morang, Saptari, Mahottari, Parsa, Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi, Dailekh, Kavre, Makwanpur


• Sensitize participants about family planning situation in Nepal and within their district and palikas

• Discuss district level challenges identified during the Round 1-stakeholder orientation, brainstorm current challenges in Family Planning Programs and identify role of the local government

• Create enabling environment to strengthen Family Planning services in the federal context

Scope of Work

• Coordinate with Health Offices, Municipalities, MSI/SPN district officers and relevant stakeholders to conduct advocacy and interaction meeting on family planning

• Lead technical sessions in the stakeholder advocacy and interaction meeting

• Prepare financial and technical reports of the orientation/activities conducted in the municipalities

• Prepare case reports about the effectiveness of advocacy and interaction meetings

• Perform any other duties as required by the project during the contract duration

Qualification and Experiences:

• Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Public Health/Nursing/Development Study with 2 years of relevant work experience

• At least two years working experience in coordinating district/province/local level health system or similar types of program

• Prior experience of working in the area of SRH and family planning

• Preference will be given to the local candidates from respective districts

• Willing to travel to program intervention municipalities in remote areas

• Excellent report writing and presentation skills in Nepali and English language

• Computer literate in word, excel, power point, email and internet

Last date to apply: 30 August 2019


Interested candidates should submit application along with up-to-date curriculum vitae with subject as Application for “Advocacy Consultant”. Please make an online application and submit your documents through the link given:


Application Deadline: Friday, 30 August 2019

Canvassing at any stage will lead to automatic dismissal and Ipas Nepal reserves all rights to make the final selection.

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