Job Vacancy for Chief Consultant in Helen Keller International 901 views0 applications

Position: Consultant
Duration: 3 Months

I. Purpose of Consultancy  

The key purpose of this consultancy is (i) to support the Chief Consultant to develop a costed Operational Plan to adapt and implement SUN Movement Strategy 3.0 to the Nepal context with ensuing governance of the SUN Movement with country leadership and more clearly aligned with country priorities and (ii) support to estimate the cost and prepare investment plan to implement the operationalization plan of  SUN Movement Strategy 3.0 in the federal context.

To achieve these objectives, Joint Secretary/ Division Chief of Good Governance and Social Development Division of National Planning Commission (NPC) and SUN Government Focal Point will lead all aspects of this consultancy and will manage the consultant. Honorable Member looking after Health and Nutrition and Chair of Nutrition and Food Security Coordination Committee will provide strategic guideline to the consultant. The consultant will work with Chief Consultant in close coordination with Program Director and Planning Officers of Health, Women, Children and Senior Citizen Section, NPC including MSNP Coordinator and the team of National Nutrition and Food Security Secretariat (NNFSS).

The consultant will work for three months (Full Time) to assist Chief Consultant in development of Operational Plan of SUN Movement Strategy 3.0 in the Nepal context.  The consultant will be selected in coordination with NPC. NPC/NNFSS team will support the consultant to collect data and documents for review existing evidence and literature relevant to develop Operational Plan of  SUN Movement Strategy 3.0 aligning with  MSNP , the Kathmandu Declaration 2019 during global SUN-Global Gathering (GG), 15th five-year plan, sectorial plan and policies related to nutrition and food system and solicit feedback from federal and provincial government and other stakeholders on MSNP -II implementation, adjustments to be made, and opportunities for improvement.

II. The Consultant will have following key responsibilities.

  • Support to collect and compile national plans, strategies and reports, relevant data, literature, and evidence from the nutrition and food system related program and other qualitative and quantitative data and findings from surveys and research.
  • Support for preliminary review of MSNP-II, SUN Movement Strategy 3.0, the Kathmandu Declaration 2019 agreed during global SUN-GG, 15th five-year plan, SDG related materials and sectoral plan and policies related to nutrition and food system.
  • Coordinate with NPC/NNFSS to manage appointments with relevant stakeholders, organize meetings and data collection and documentation in relation to develop a costed Operational Plan to adapt and implement SUN Movement Strategy 3.0 to the Nepal context.
  • Support to NPC/NNFSS for necessary correspondence for sharing preliminary draft of Operational Plan of SUN Movement Strategy 3.0 and taking inputs and feedback of NPC/NNFSS, MSNP sectoral ministries and departments and development partners including National Nutrition and Food Security Coordination Committee (NNFSCC).
  • Support NPC/NNFSS team to organize validation workshops at federal and provincial level for MSNP sectoral ministries, departments, and stakeholders to validate the reliability of evaluation findings and interpretations.
  • Support to NPC/NNFSS in preparation of invitation letter, agenda and presentation for meetings and validation workshops organize regarding development and sharing of Operational Plan of SUN Movement Strategy 3.0 at province and federal level and preparing meetings notes.
  • Timely consolidate and incorporation of feedback on Operational Plan of SUN Movement Strategy 3.0 from NPC/NNFSS, MSNP sectoral ministries and departments and development partners, NNFSCC including the validation workshops.

III. Educational qualifications and experiences:  

Master’s degree in Nutrition, Public Health or similar field; at least 3 years of experience or Bachelor’s degree with 7 years working experience in field of public health; management of programs of similar scope and complexity or equivalent combination of education and experience; demonstrated expertise in nutrition and multi-sector approaches, including work within Government health systems, other relevant technical areas: public health, water/sanitation/hygiene, agriculture/household food production, behavior change communications, capacity building, applied monitoring, evaluation, and research; demonstrated success in delivering technical assistance, working in collaboration with governments and partner organizations; excellent written and speaking in Nepali and English skills; other local languages an advantage; strong interpersonal skills and working experience in MSNP framework is an asset.

Applying Procedure

To apply, submit a motivation letter and a recently updated CV to by COB July 28, 2021.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the assessment process. HKI reserves the right to close the application before the deadline.

Helen Keller International promotes workforce diversity and is an equal opportunity employer.

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