Job Vacancy for Senior Technical Advisor Food Security, Livelihood and DRR (FSL/DRR) in Action Against Hunger 818 views0 applications

Contract Type:  Fixed Term Contract (Female candidates are encouraged to apply)
Duration: Six month (Possibility of extension)
Base : Kathmandu
Expected starting date: 1 September  2021
Number of positions: 1

Main Responsibilities:

Objective 1: Contribute to defining the country strategy as well as the strategy and positioning of the FSL/DRR technical department  

  • Understanding humanitarian situation regarding FSL/DRR and of the context of intervention, and its continuous, systematic and thorough monitoring
  • Analysis of the FSL/DRR  including in humanitarian situation
  • Dissemination of information gathered and analysed both internally and externally, including headquarters
  • Development implementation of sectoral strategy document in line with ACF international and national frameworks
  • Contribute to the country strategy and the ACFHQ sectoral strategy
  • Mainstream DRR & DRM in FSL/DRR  strategy and projects, including participation in drafting the plan to prepare for and respond to emergencies
  • Collaborate and integrating the FSL sector with the other technical sectors (FSL, MHCP, NUT)
  • Monitoring the implementation of FSL/DRR  strategy, its revision and its cost effectiveness
  • Contributing to the technical and operational advocacy strategies of the country programme, the region and headquarters (in line with the advocacy objectives defined in the ACF reference documentation)
  • Identifying the subjects for sectoral advocacy specific to country programme, in collaboration with the Country Director
  • Be reference technical person for the sector in different technical fora and provide minutes of the report to the CD

Objective 2: Coordinate identification of needs and formulation of project proposals

  • Coordinating the identification of FSL/DRR  humanitarian and development needs
  • Formulating financing and implementing the feasibility study of FSL/DRR  projects (public health, technical, socio-economic, cultural and environmental aspects)
  • Involving with logistic and finance team in definition/validation of FSL/DRR  projects
  • Contributing to the search for funding bodies (inside and outside opportunities for sectoral development) for his/her sector and ensuring that there is an exchange of technical information with the funding bodies identified
  • Visits by funding agencies whenever require
  • Producing the FSL/DRR  sections of project proposals in accordance with the formats and deadlines of funding bodies
  • Provide sector analysis and disseminate emerging trends at country level
  • Suggest and develop lessons learned from the projects
  • Coordinate the identification of needs and the formulation of project proposals
  • Oversee the implementation of projects and ensure that reports are submitted
  • Guarantee the quality and cost-effectiveness of projects
  • Ensure the active participation of FSL/DRR  in national sectoral coordination and technical forums and develop sectorial partnerships
  • Promote learning, technical development and research within the FSL/DRR  work
  • Proactively support ACFs commitments to gender equality, child protection and disability sensitivity

Objective 3: Oversee implementation of projects and ensure reports are submitted

  • Validation of the key stages and the methodologies of the projects being undertaken (timetable, APRCAP survey (baseline/final) systematics, technical studies, call for tender, specifications, community approach, external evaluations etc.)
  • Providing technical support (direct and at a distance) to the PM, whilst alerting or sharing information with the Field Coordinator
  • Ensuring that systems of monitoring and evaluation are in place and that their results are integrated to guarantee the improvement of the projects
  • Timely validation of the FSL/DRR  internal reports and reports to funding agencies, as well as amendments to projects, with contributions by the teams

Objective 4: Guarantee the quality and cost-effectiveness of projects

  • The technical conformity of programs with international rules, orientations and technical standards, and the ACF framework documents and technical works (use ACF Project Quality Management Tools “PQMT”)
  • Boosting the overall standard of implementation of projects in order to maximize their impact (cf. CAD criteria of OECD)
  • Ensuring, by use of ACF specific monitoring (project  quality, field visits, external audit), that norms (SPHERE and OMS), and national and international standards of technical quality
  • Issue and following up technical recommendations
  • Alert the Country Director and the Technical Advisor at Headquarters to all major difficulties encountered in applying necessary recommendations and/or adaptations
  • Alert the Country Director and asking that precautionary measures be taken in the case of major risks to public health
  • Promotion of external and internal evaluations of projects
  • Promotion of transparency and ethical standards in the projects by highlighting complaints/grievance procedures, particularly in respect of the beneficiary population
  • Promotion of safety measures for both staff and the wider population in the implementation of FSL/DRR project sites.

Objective 5: Ensure the active participation of ACF in national sectoral coordination and technical forums and develop sectorial partnerships

  • Representing ACF in sectoral coordination at national and sub-national levels (sectoral and/or cluster) and with the technical authorities
  • Interaction with regional sectoral coordination
  • Contribute to various action plans in FSL/DRR sector (Consolidated Appeal Process, Flash Appeal, Inter-Agency Contingency Plan, HFA, national sectoral strategy etc.)
  • Technical communications concerning the FSL/DRR  projects in liaison with the Country Director/Field Coordinator)
  • Promotion of sectoral partnerships (civil society, NGOs, authorities, academia/research institutes, private sector) and the enhancement of their capacities

Objective 6: Team management

  • Manage the functional and/or hierarchical management of FSL/DRR  personnel
  • Conduct evaluation of the technical performance of all FSL/DRR  teams (PM, Specialists)
  • Develop FSL/DRR  competences throughout the country programme

Objective 7: Promote learning, technical development and research 

  • Applying new approaches proposed by Headquarters or at Country level
  • Developing technical skills in line with the evolution of the sector
  • Exploring the modalities of scientific and technical partnerships (laboratories, universities, private sector)
  • Maintaining continuity in respect of FSL/DRR  expertise and history of the organisation
  • Promote learning within the FSL/DRR  sector at level, consolidation and transmission to headquarters (technical developments, pilot projects, innovative or little documented approaches, operational approaches which may serve as a reference for the ACF network, successes and failures, contextual analyses etc.)
  • Reporting to Headquarters on technical development and research requirements and on the implementation of projects (notably  in response to calls for internal ACF research projects)
  • Setting up research projects
  • Sharing experience with actors in the FSL/DRR  sector at country and regional levels
  • Supervision of the task of learning and research undertaken FSL/DRR  work

Objective 8: Proactively support ACFs commitments to gender equality, child protection and disability sensitivity

  • Acquire an in-depth understanding of ACFs Gender Minimum Standards & Child Protection Policies
  • Proactively ensure the mainstreaming of ACF gender equity principles in all policies and activities;
  • Strive to implement all work-related activities with a gender, disability and child protection lens, taking into account the different needs, concerns and ideas of our staff and beneficiaries;
  • Encourage the participation of all genders in meeting and on committees;
  • Help build an inclusive office environment where people do not feel disadvantaged or judged according to their gender or limited due to manageable disability.

Qualifications and Required Skills:

  • Master’s degree in, Agriculture, Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Farm Management and Climate Change Adaptation, or relevant discipline with at least Five years of experience in related field of which two years should be in senior management role.
  • Experience of supervising food security, livelihood Disaster risk reduction or rural development project implementation
  • Solid knowledge of climate change adaptation, mitigation
  • Excellent interpersonal, networking, negotiation and communication skills
  • Excellent oral and written skills in Nepali and English
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Strong computer literacy and knowledge of database and spread sheet applications such as excel is essential, statistical and other M&E applications software e.g. ENA, SPSS etc.
  • Sensitive and responsive to Gender, Age Diversity and Social Inclusion
  • Ability to manage short deadlines and intense pressure
  • Highly organised with a strong attention to detail
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Innovative problem solver
  • Results oriented

Applying Procedure

Interested Nepali applicants with suitable skills are requested to submit a motivation letter, updated CV with two referees through email: by 21th July 2021 by 5 pm Nepal time. The Vacancy Reference (ACFFSL/DRRKA) must be mentioned in the title of the email otherwise the application may be disqualified. 

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further process. Action Against Hunger reserves the right to reject any or all applications. Telephonic enquiries will not be entertained.

Action Against Hunger | Action Contre la Faim is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women, people with disabilities and members from disadvantaged /underrepresented ethnic groups.

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