NGO Job Vacancy – SAHAMATI Jobs – Expression of Interest 1813 views0 applications

SAHAMATI(An Institution Dedicated For Community Plus Humane Development) SAHAMATI is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit making, member-based social development organization established in 2001/11/12 (kartik 27, 2058) by a group of professionals and development workers with long experience in community development. This organization has been registered as an NGO under the organization registration act of Nepal. Global problems like climate change, poverty, social discrimination and migration influence Nepal’s development process, demanding diversified answers. Underprivileged groups are often excluded while designing development program, unfortunate for them. SAHAMATI aims to make a change by addressing the huge challenges of the 21st century with a community-centered approach, focusing on social justice and social transformation, human rights development and self-help promotion. SAHAMATI has built a large network composed of diverse social groups, national and international organizations and like-minded institutions and have been launching various kinds of community-centered programs on collaboration. A range of internal programs have been developed and implemented independently through SAHAMATI under Theme 2 (Learning and Innovation) are coordinated through our own resources. SAHAMATI is affiliated with Social Welfare Council (SWC), NGO Federation of Nepal, Federation of Democratic NGO (FEDEN), Peaceful Schools International Canada, Resource Centre for Primary Health Care Nepal (RECPHEC), DP Net-Nepal, DCCAM Network-Nawalparasi, Tobacco Control and Health Rights Network- Nepal, Coady Alumni, ARI Alumni and Gender and water Alliance-Nepal



Inclusive Rural Development Project (IRDN) is a KOICA funded project with technical support from Good Neighbors International Nepal and implemented by SAHAMATI in Nawalparasi East and West Districts. The main objective of the project is to improve socio-economic status of the target area and enhance the quality of life of local residents through transfer of sustainable community development model.

SAHAMATI intended to invite Expression of Interest (EOI) from qualified and experienced consultants for carrying out the trainings and workshops for the IRDN project on following sectors.

  • Commercial vegetable, banana and seed production
  • Agriculture market development
  • Livestock and Fishery,
  • Entrepreneurship / Business Skill Development,
  • Cooperative management,
  • Irrigation
  • Participatory project planning, development and management
  • Good Governance
  • Social Audit


Procedures for submission of EOI

Interested and eligible candidates are requested to submit the application and updated CV mentioning the daily consultancy fee to  with CC to Please include” Application for consultant roster for IRDN project” in the subject line. Or candidate may apply through online application following the link given

The dead line for the submission of the application is June 26, 2020. 

A detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) can be requested via email or download at IRDN reserves the right to make the final decision regarding selection of the consulting team/consultant.

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