NGO Jobs – Read Nepal Job – Project Manager 1217 views0 applications

Read Information and Resource Center (READ Nepal) working jointly with Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB)
Germany, is seeking applications from dynamic and highly motivated individuals to immediately fill up
the following positions for “Promoting Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal” project
currently implementing at Kumari-Nuwakot, Charikot-Dolakha, Madi-Chitwan and Deukhuri-Dang

READ Nepal is a national not-for-profit development organization that seeks to build literacy and
empower communities through Community Library and Resource Centers (CLRC). It strongly believes
that educating and empowering rural communities can alleviate long-standing issues such as hunger,
poverty and gender discrimination.

ASB – the Workers’ Samaritan Federation – is a German aid and welfare organization, engaged in areas

such as civil protection, rescue services and social welfare services. As a non-political and non-
denominational organization, ASB has, since its foundation in 1888, represented continuity and

Position: Project Manager

Required no : 1 (one)

Duty Station : Kathmandu (with frequent field visit)

Duration : August 1, 2019 or earlier to November 30, 2020 with possibility to extend

Salary and benefits : As per the organization policy

Program background

The “Promoting Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction” project supported by ASB Germany, started
from 1st December 2018 for a 2 years period, intends to increase the resilience of communities who are
living in disaster prone areas of 4 districts (Dolakha, Nuwakot, Chitwan and Dang). The goal of the
project is to build resilience of poor and vulnerable communities in Nepal while disseminating and
replicating the best practices and lessons learned from previous Disability inclusive Disester Risk
Reduction (DiDRR) project implemented in Nuwakot and Dolakha from 2015 to 2018. The program’s
objective is to enhance the resilience of disaster-prone communities by building their capacity to resist,
absorb, respond to and recover from the effects of disasters in a timely and efficient manner considering
the needs of all community members.

Purpose of this position

The Project Manager (PM) will be in-charge for overall implementation of the project, and to support
community level resilience building with particular attention on aspects of DRM and inclusion. S/he has
to ensure that the DiDRR Program is properly implemented in the Communities according to activities
planning, budget forecasting, expecting results.

The PM will work under the supervision of the Head of Program Operation. S/he will

be accountable to READ Nepal.

Main responsibilities

Disaster Risk Assessment and Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) components

• Helps the project communities to better understand disaster risk by providing relevant training,
exposures, orientation; disseminates resource materials accessible to all community members
including persons with disabilities.
• Capitalizes all documents and data collected related to natural disaster hazards and risk
mapping for DRR activities and CBDRM plan.
• Undertakes multi-hazard risk mapping in four project communities with annual regular review,
according to new risks.
• Supports preparation, updating and implementation of DRR related planning documents (e.g.
contingency and response plans at local level; Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCA), DRR
groups formation).
• Supports mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Management and inclusion within READ Nepal’s
policies and programming (including composition of board, executive and advisory committee).
• Facilitates identification of relevant livelihood and skill development trainings; DRR fund
establishment and mobilization; creating space for livelihood development and market linkages;
• Helps to upgrade the existing community libraries to minimum standards of accessibility at least
at ground floor.
• Builds the capacity of four CLRCs to support community level resilience building with particular
attention on aspects of DRM and inclusion.
• Establishes and strengthens DRM structures in 4 communities in close collaboration between
CLRCs and other relevant stakeholders
• Uses, adapts, creates, tests and modifies tools, guidelines or training curriculum needed by the
DRR field team to implement participatory Community Disaster Risk Assessment & Community

Disaster Risk Reduction plan.

• Supports active engagement of most at-risk groups (such as persons with disabilities, children
and infants, older persons, pregnant women) in planning and implementation of all project
activities. This includes the sensitization of decision makers and wider communities regarding
the capacities and special needs of these groups.
• Supports the establishment/strengthening of partnerships between CLRCs and relevant
stakeholders (government, non-government, DPOs etc.) like, Ward office and Municipality from
Local government, DPOs, district chapter office of National Federation of Disabled Nepal,
Disaster Relief Committee, Red Cross Society etc. in order to align DRR related activities and
create synergies which improve program results.
• Builds and sustains effective partnerships with DRR sector government counterparts, as well as
disability centred NGOs and other stakeholders.
• Contributes to effective communication between Government counterparts, to improve
programme results.

Other general components

Lead on implementing project activities plan and calendar in consultation and involvement of project
staffs and community library management committee and facilitate to implement accordingly.

• Ensure the government legal compliance as per the provision of Nepal Government.
• Assess capacity building needs related to project activities for community library management
committees and other relevant partners and staffs.
• Liaison with the organization who are working in the same sector at the local and national level in
the field of DRM and inclusion to implement program through community libraries.
• Make field visits to project districts and sites as per the requirement of the project
• Ensure the effective use of the fund and maintain the transparency and accountability
• Prepare progress reports (monthly, quarterly, annual and final) as per the donor and READ Nepal
• Responsible for regular coordinating and reporting to donor.

Knowledge, skills and experiences required for this position

• University master degree holder as a minimum requirement
• 3 years’ experience in relevant fields such as community development, must have DRR, disability
inclusion experience etc.
• Computer literate in MS Office pack.
• Strong reporting skills (activities report in Nepali and English language).
• Excellent English and Nepali languages skills (written and oral )
• Previous experience in humanitarian activities.
• Community participative based approach experiences.
• Strong practical training and facilitation skills.
• Experiences in “learning by doing” approach.
• Problem solving & creativity skills.
• Strong organizational & communication skills.
• Monitoring & evaluation skills and experience.
• Budget management skills and experience.
• Interest in sharing professional skill as well as learning from others.

Last date to apply: June 30, 2019.


Interested Nepalese citizen meeting minimum qualifications are requested to apply for this position with
a letter of application, filled EMPLOYEE APPLICATION FORM of READ Nepal (or download from same
website) along with updated Curriculum Vitae at by Sunday, June 30, 2019.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. In case of unavailability of suitable candidates, READ
Nepal reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason.

Source: Kantipur Dainik, 22 June 2019

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